
Mental Capacity Act Module 3 – Decision Making Authority & Best Interest Decision Making

Location: Gun Wharf , Chatham



Course Objectives:

• To provide knowledge of the law in relation to decision making authority;
• Participants will be able to define the statutory responsibilities of decision makers under the MCA
• Participants will know how to apply s.4 of the Mental Capacity Act to make best interests decisions.
• Participants will be able to facilitate future planning with adultswho have care an support needs, identifying options available under the MCA;
• Participants will have knowledge of the function and role of the Court of Protection and Office of the Public Guardian in relation to safeguarding adults with care and support needs.

Learning Outcomes:

• Participants will clearly understand where decision making authority lies, and the evidence required for the purposes of validation;
• Participants will be able to support future planning when working with adults, which incorporate wishes, feelings and preferences;
• Participants will understand the interface between advanced care planning and safeguarding practice;
• Participants will feel confident in the Best Interests Meeting format and meeting the requirements of the statutory best interests checklist.


A combination of specific teaching input, case studies, group work and experiential learning. This requires a high level of participation, energy and focus from participants. Participants are expected to use the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences around supporting vulnerable adults.

Legislative and Policy Framework:

• Mental Capacity Act 2005
• The Human Rights Act 1998
• Kent and Medway Multi-agency Adult Protection Policy, Protocols and Guidance (January 2015)
• CQC Guidance 1st April 2015)

Duration: One-day All day attendance is required

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